23 results found in category: Painting

A Color Of Our Own
Grade level: 1
This lesson is based on the illustrations in the book “A Color of His Own”, by Leo Lionni. Students each produce a cut out chameleon in Lionni’s style and two pages of painted paper. They camouflage their chameleons in the painted paper. Both can be made into a class book or a bulletin board.

Abstract Color Wheels
Grade level: Adaptive
Students look at abstract painter Robert Rauschenberg and his art with letters. After gluing their initials and a black paper shape on a white piece of paper, they spread primary colors (using matt board pieces) to make secondary colors. Lastly, they add black until they feel their artwork is finished.

Action Figure Collage
Grade level: 6
Students look at and learn about the collages of contemporary artist Miriam Schapiro. They paint a background and use mannequins to draw and create an action figure. The parts are embellished and assembled into a collage.

African Painted Walls
Grade level: 4
Students 'travel' to the region of Burkina Faso in Western Africa to learn about the well-known painted houses. After studying the artists and their work, students create a narrative wall painting using silhouettes and paint. They also incorporate patterns and traditional or personal symbols into their work.

Aleut Basket Paintings
Grade level: 4
Students learn about Aleut basket weaving techniques. They learn to weave a basic pattern and use tempera paint to create a repeated motif on their weaving.

Animal Portraits with Todd Sherman
Grade level: 1
Students are introduced to the colorful portraits of Fairbanks artist Todd Sherman. Todd enjoys painting animals, friends and family, often adding humor to his art by having animals acting and looking like people. Students paint their own “self-portrait" as an Alaskan animal in the style of Todd Sherman.

Asian Bamboo Painting
Grade level: 4
Students discuss the meaning of tradition as applied to Chinese/Japanese painting and calligraphy. They practice brushstrokes using traditional tools, create paintings of bamboo, mount them scroll-style with patterned borders and finish them by stamping with a red signature chop.

Birch Trees with Kes Woodward
Grade level: 6
Students learn about Fairbanks, Alaska painter Kes Woodward and how he paints birch trees. They practice watercolor techniques, and discuss composition and perspective as students create a water color birch tree painting.

Caribou on the Tundra
Grade level: 3
Students learn about the habits and habitat of caribou and their relationship to Athabascan people. They draw lichen growing on the tundra using layers of land to show perspective. Tissue paper and watercolor paint embellish the caribou on the tundra collage.

Celebrating the Art Elements
Grade level: 3
Students discuss art made by the famous American Pop artist, Roy Lichtenstein. They look for the elements of art, using their art vocabulary. Then they use these elements to develop a drawing/painting/collage.

Diatoms: Microscopic Jewels
Grade level: 5
Students are introduced to the 17th century Dutch scientist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, the microscope he developed, his discoveries and his methods of recording those discoveries. They create a colorful microscopic view of diatoms using watercolors and black crayon 'resist.'

Gesture Figure Drawing
Grade level: 6
Students look at the gesture drawings of Daumier and practice drawing the human figure in action with ovals and triangles. The drawings are painted and collaged.

Landscapes with David Mollett
Grade level: Kindergarten
Students examine landscapes by Fairbanks artist David Mollett looking at fore, middle and backgrounds. They then paint a landscape demonstrating what they learned.

Love Those Anemones
Grade level: Kindergarten
Students look at pictures of sea anemones and discuss radial design. They learn primary colors and then paint a large anemone with a wave-line background.

Mouse Colors
Grade level: 1
Students learn the primary colors and discover what happens when paints are mixed by experimenting on large paper. While their paintings dry, students read Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh. Then a class graph is created to see which colors they found. Each student traces a “foot” on their dried painted paper, cuts it out and glues it to the color graph in the matching color column.

Mt. McKinley: Sydney Laurence
Grade level: 6
Students look at them many paintings of Sydney Laurence, a renowned painter of Mt. McKinley. Watercolor pencil painting techniques are used as students learn about contour lines, value, shading and the importance of contrast to create their versions of the mountain.

Northern Migrations: Cranes, Caribou, Salmon
Grade level: 5
Students discuss northern migrations and study photos and artwork showing migrations of cranes, caribou and salmon. They consider design elements that create a sense of movement before using watercolors, oil pastel and cut-paper stencils to create a mixed media artwork of cranes, salmon or caribou in motion.

On Top of the World
Grade level: Adaptive
Students look at a globe and discuss what is land, water, and ice/snow and how the water currents move over the earth. They paint water on a circle, cut organic shapes to make ice and continents, and put themselves where they live... on top of the world.

Salmon Summer in Kodiak
Grade level: 4
Through the book Salmon Summer in Kodiak, students learn about an Aleut boy who lives on Kodiak Island and fishes for salmon. Students create a 2D painting with warm or cool colors that incorporates designs inspired by salmon and traditional Aleut hunting hats.

Stomp to the Music
Grade level: 4
Students learn about rhythm, movement, and texture in the context of sound and image. They create their own water-color resist using color, line and texture to demonstrate principles of both art and music.

Grade level: Kindergarten
Students read book Camille and the Sunflowers, a story about Vincent Van Gogh, and learn of his love for painting sunflowers. Inspired by this, they paint a sunflower of their own.

Textured Landscapes
Grade level: 2
Students study Grant Wood and look at his unique paintings of Iowa. They draw a landscape, texture and pattern it, and add color sparingly to complete their art.

Vincent Van Gogh Self-Portraits
Grade level: Kindergarten
Students study the self-portraits of the Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh. They look at his impressionist style of painting and then create their own self-portrait in tempera paints.