18 results found in category: 3-D Art

Andy Goldsworthy: Art From the Earth
Grade level: 5
Students study Andy Goldsworthy, a British artist who transforms nature into art, photographs it, and lets it return to nature. They then go outside to create art from only nature -- no tools allowed! When done, they photograph their work and write abou tthe art they made and the process they used.

Box Design
Grade level: 6
Students learn about careers in art and the design and color choices they must make as they construct custom boxes with lids. These boxes can be used as containers for gifts.

Butterfly Paper Sculpture
Grade level: 4
Artists and designers often look to nature for inspiration. French artist and naturalist E.A.Seguy drew intricate scientific illustrations of butterflies and created designs based on his drawings. Students learn about Seguy and produce a 3 dimensional paper sculpture butterfly with colored paper and oil pastel patterns.

Cans with Andy Warhol
Grade level: 4
Students will be introduced to the artist Andy Warhol, famous for his Pop Art paintings of Campbell's Soup cans. Students will also learn that Warhol had a career as a graphic artist. Students will create their own labeled can to hold whatever humorous or imaginative things they want to contain or preserve.

Creative Character Sculptures
Grade level: 6
Students collaboratively think of a character, either animal, human or make believe, that they would like in a story. Working with a partner, they creatively solve problems to make their character from "found" materials. Construction and embellishment make the characters come alive.

Doodles and Form
Grade level: 6
Students learn how to use shading techniques to change shapes into forms, thus making a 3-D appearance. Surrealism is discussed as the students juxtapose their forms to create a surreal composition.

Expressionist Environments
Grade level: 3
Students look at 2D and 3D art and artists. They create their own 3D environment using paper folding and cutting techniques. Embellishments are added with color and pattern.

Folded Lines
Grade level: 1
Students learn about two different artists, Alexander Calder and Piet Mondrian. They compare the two types of art they both used--sculpture and painting. They create their own 3D work of art combining these two artist styles.

Grids and Values in Art and Math
Grade level: 6
Students are introduced to the illusionary art of M. C. Escher. They use hard and soft lead pencils to shade a five-step value scale and then use contrasting values and a dot grid to make isometric drawings of cubes. Grids are used in the second session to make a cooperative enlargement of an Escher print.

Henry Moore Sculpture
Grade level: Kindergarten
Students will study the artist Henry Moore who made sculptures of people. They create a simple figure out of paper and clay. These figures include “holes” or negative space in the style of Henry Moore's sculptures.

I Am A Star
Grade level: Adaptive
Students discuss how they can 'be a star' by helping others. They look at books with shapes and colors and name them. They then glue colored shapes on a long strip of railroad board -- punching holes in some of them to make peek-a-boo colors. Lastly, they fold, add stars and hang!

Inside and Outside of Me
Grade level: 5
Students consider prejudice and tolerance by exploring ways in which we are all alike. They then learn about for 'artist heroes' who drew their creative strength from accepting and nurturing their personal differences. Students investigate the concept of tolerance by creating an 'inside and outside of me self portrait' using words, color and pattern.

Jellybean Books
Grade level: 4
Students write a color poem using their five senses. They will then create a small "jellybean" book and decorate it using a simple printing technique. Students then further embellish their book and may include their original poems within.

Northern Migrations: Cranes, Caribou, Salmon
Grade level: 5
Students discuss northern migrations and study photos and artwork showing migrations of cranes, caribou and salmon. They consider design elements that create a sense of movement before using watercolors, oil pastel and cut-paper stencils to create a mixed media artwork of cranes, salmon or caribou in motion.

Ocean Life Diorama
Grade level: 4
Students look closely at photographs of life in tropical coral reefs or under Alaskan oceans. With inspiration from the photographs, students use oil pastels and construction paper to create an under ocean life diorama which includes fish or marine mammals in a habitat.

Olanna's Paper Sculptures
Grade level: 4
Students learn about the Alaskan Native artist Melvin Olanna. His stylized sculptures reflect his Inupiaq culture. Students create simple animal shapes from paper, using a paper scoring technique to make them look 3D. Paper sculptures are mounted on a background based on an Alaskan landscape.

Raven Sculptures: John Hoover
Grade level: 3
Students learn about Alaskan Aleut sculptor John Hoover and study two of his raven sculptures, looking for shape and texture. After learning interesting scientific facts about ravens, they draw and cut out raven sculpture mobiles.

Spirit Masks
Grade level: 4
Students examine and discuss contemporary and traditional Yupik masks. Several typical mask elements are recognized and incorporated in a mask related to student’s life and interests.