12 results found in category: Sixth Grade

Action Figure Collage
Grade level: 6
Students look at and learn about the collages of contemporary artist Miriam Schapiro. They paint a background and use mannequins to draw and create an action figure. The parts are embellished and assembled into a collage.

Birch Trees with Kes Woodward
Grade level: 6
Students learn about Fairbanks, Alaska painter Kes Woodward and how he paints birch trees. They practice watercolor techniques, and discuss composition and perspective as students create a water color birch tree painting.

Birds of Different Feathers
Grade level: 6
The class participates in tolerance activities to prompt discussions about 'different and alike.' Then they create their own birds of different feathers using oil pastels and construction paper. Students include a message which their birds are carrying to the world.

Box Design
Grade level: 6
Students learn about careers in art and the design and color choices they must make as they construct custom boxes with lids. These boxes can be used as containers for gifts.

Creative Character Sculptures
Grade level: 6
Students collaboratively think of a character, either animal, human or make believe, that they would like in a story. Working with a partner, they creatively solve problems to make their character from "found" materials. Construction and embellishment make the characters come alive.

Doodles and Form
Grade level: 6
Students learn how to use shading techniques to change shapes into forms, thus making a 3-D appearance. Surrealism is discussed as the students juxtapose their forms to create a surreal composition.

Gesture Figure Drawing
Grade level: 6
Students look at the gesture drawings of Daumier and practice drawing the human figure in action with ovals and triangles. The drawings are painted and collaged.

Grids and Values in Art and Math
Grade level: 6
Students are introduced to the illusionary art of M. C. Escher. They use hard and soft lead pencils to shade a five-step value scale and then use contrasting values and a dot grid to make isometric drawings of cubes. Grids are used in the second session to make a cooperative enlargement of an Escher print.

Horse Studies
Grade level: 6
Students learn about Renaissance man Leonardo da Vinci, and his desire to cast a 24 foot tall horse from metal. They are also introduced to the work of contemporary sculptor Deborah Butterfield, who makes life-size horses out of various materials. Students practice drawing horses, add rubbed textures, and use the drawings to assemble collages.

Hundertwasser: Architect
Grade level: 6
Students learn about Austrian artist and architect Friedrich Hundertwasser and look at the buildings he designed. Students design a part of a building - door, window or dome - in his style and add bright colors. The whimsical shapes and patterns should tell a bit about themselves.

Mt. McKinley: Sydney Laurence
Grade level: 6
Students look at them many paintings of Sydney Laurence, a renowned painter of Mt. McKinley. Watercolor pencil painting techniques are used as students learn about contour lines, value, shading and the importance of contrast to create their versions of the mountain.

Observe, Question and Write
Grade level: 6
Students examine a piece of art by asking who, what, when, where, and why questions. After reporting information through questions, they write a short story or paragraph.